
Reply to How to write about blogs - It’s struck me how we are seeing a renaissance of explaining blogs to people who never saw them before - a good sign but still slightly amusing to those who were around the first time. This post from Frank Meeuwsen is a good example of cutting through the hype that appeared “somewhere in the middle” and getting back to the basics. #
Blogging review 2023
A few thoughts about why my online writing tailed off from mid-year, and what I might change. #
For two years now I’ve read all my previous posts - Ton finds his habit of revisiting “on this day” posts and his mature note-making habit have some interesting synergies: This morning I was reading a blogpost from a few years ago, and immediately two things stood out as concepts. They were just mentioned passingly in the blogpost, but this time they seemed more meaningful than their place in the original text suggested. Off I went down a little rabbithole, writing both notions up and connecting them to the current things that make them stand out to me now, and incorporating other references. #
Taking Stock
A silent blog doesn’t mean nothing is happening! #