Surname Profiler

This site is an interesting adjunct to my previous note on geneaology – the surname profiler from UCL lets you compare the geographical distribution of a given surname in the UK between 1881 and 1998.

I did a quick test using my surname (Elve – or as it was commonly spelled in 1881, Elvey). The 1881 result looks familiar from the 1881 census research I have been doing as part of finding my ancestors:

GB 1881 distribution of surname Elvey

The 1998 map is less useful – even though the spelling I use (Elve) is reasonably well-established, there is no mention of it in the database. So for 1998 I again searched on the “Elvey” spelling.

GB 1998 distribution of surname Elvey

Nevertheless an interesting site.

[surname profiler found via A day in the life of a middle manager]

Proactive application of technology to business

My interests include technology, personal knowledge management, social change
